Campaign: Poe

Character: Paula "Poe" Stackhouse Game: Monsterhearts 2 Episodes: 1 Theme song : Hurts Too Good by Ruelle Keywords: Human, malleable, tempted We had our first game of Monsterhearts 2. I knew I had written a complicated character, but woof, did I not realize how much Poe was afraid of people disliking her and had zero social graces. There was no bite to back up her bark and well, I failed every social move that I rolled. This means, Poe basically flailed at people and had no recourse. At every turn, she was being manipulated or pulled in a direction and rather than stomp off and get angry, she just... did what people told her to. She was used to being on the losing end of any discussion, and has, on some level, just resigned to being the person that's mostly invisible. No amount of changing her face, getting piercings and tattoos and blue hair will change the fact she's a nobody. She's not important. She's the girl who says yes to whatever becau...